1300 186 629


Melbourne Easter Surcharge
A kind reminder to all our clients that Easter this year is from the 14-17 April. To prevent wharf storage charges we may be required to collect containers during this period and additional charges will apply.

Any containers picked up or delivered to the wharf and/or containers delivered to or collected from client premises will be subjected to the following:

Saturday 15 April - $210.00 + fuel + GST
Sunday 16 April - $210.00 + fuel + GST
Monday 17 April - $210.00 + fuel + GST


All cartage will be subject to drivers being available.

Please be advised that no credits will be issued if any of the above charges are applicable to your needs. As of the 10 April any containers delivered that cannot be de-hired by 14 April will be de-hired as soon as possible after the 17 April. Tomax Logistics will not be liable for any demurrage costs incurred during this time including containers that are unpacked at our depot. We would also like to remind clients that we require two working days written notice on empty containers. If you could notify us as soon as containers are empty, this will assist in avoiding demmurage costs as best as possible.

All clients should make their own insurance arrangements for this time.

If you any questions please feel free to contact John Nguyen for further information at 1300 1 TOMAX.